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How to Block a Song on Spotify

Spotify, one of the leading music streaming platforms, offers its users an extensive library of songs, albums and playlists. However, sometimes you may come across a song that you would rather never listen to again. Whether it’s for personal taste or overexposure, Spotify offers ways to avoid certain tracks. Here is a step by step guide on how to block a song on Spotify.

Blocking Songs in Spotify Mobile App

1. Open the Spotify App:
– Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.

2. Find the Song:
– Go to the song you want to block. You can do this through playlists, albums or by searching directly.

3. Access Song Options:
– Tap the ellipsis (three dots) next to the song name. This will open a menu with various options.

4. Hide Song:
– Select “Hide this song” in the menu. This option prevents the song from being played in that playlist or album.

Block a song on spotify

Block a Song on the Spotify Desktop App

Currently, Spotify doesn’t offer a direct way to block individual songs on the desktop app as it does on the mobile app. But you can use workarounds to achieve a similar effect.

1. Create a Custom Playlist:
– If the song is in a playlist, create a custom playlist without the unwanted song.
– Go to the playlist, select all songs (except the songs you want to block) and add them to a new playlist.

2. Skip Song:
– If you encounter a song while listening, skip it manually. Spotify learns from your listening habits and may eventually play the song less frequently.

Using Third-Party Tools and Extensions

There are third-party tools and browser extensions designed to enhance your Spotify experience; Some of these may offer features to block certain songs. However, these tools are not officially supported by Spotify, and their use may introduce risks, such as potential security concerns or violations of Spotify’s terms of service.

Block Artists

If you want to block all songs from a specific artist, Spotify offers a simpler method:

Block a song on spotify

1. Search for the Artist:
– Search for the artist whose songs you want to block in the Spotify app.

2. Block the Artist:
– Tap the three dots (three dots) on the artist’s profile page.
– Select “Don’t play this artist”. Spotify will then exclude that artist’s songs from your playlists, radio stations, and more.


Blocking a song on Spotify is a useful feature to tailor your music experience to your preferences. While the mobile app offers a straightforward method to hide songs, the desktop app requires some creative workarounds. Additionally, blocking artists is a simple and effective way to avoid unwanted music. With these tools at your service, you can enjoy a more personal and enjoyable listening experience on Spotify.

Also Read: How to Remove Podcasts from Your Spotify Homepage


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